Dev Log 2 - Ren

We implemented all the feedback we received from the last dev log and corrected the gameplay. By making it so that when the player passes the objects it goes under the wall and decides to put ghosts on both the graveyard and forest. Had assets of the items needed for the game halfway done as well as making the rooms needed for the game.  Have the entire Dungeon room finished. Make a list of sounds needed for the game and the codes needed to make the sounds come when the items are picked and disappear as well as score adds. 

We asked the players who playtest our game.

What could be added?

What type of sounds should be added and where?

Are the models fun to look at?

What could be removed and seem unnecessary?

These are the answers we got

The player is not able to go through the wall which is better than the last build. 

The items so far look cool and what about these  added items as well 

For the next dev log, the goal will be to have all the assets done and inside the game. As well as have the sounds ready. All art will be half done. Work on the itch page. Write the how-to-play and credits pages.

I will do the art for the banner and work on the main menu. As well as see some codes for the controller and players that need fixing. Start setting up the items to be in all different rooms.

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